Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Etisalat: Mobile Insurance

Etisalat Lanka Private Ltd and Ceylinco Insurance PLC together have developed a convenient and affordable insurance scheme.

Subscribes can register for an insurance policy from anywhere at any time via their mobile phone by dialing the short code *3355.

Eligibility for the Policy

  • Etisalat subscribers only (Both Postpaid and Prepaid Customers are eligible for the policy)
  • Minimum Age Eligible for Policy - 18 years
  • Maximum Age Eligible for Policy - 60 years

Payment Modes

The Customer has 3 payment options to select from for deduction of the Premium for the Policy. There will be no grace period applicable for any mode of payment except for Life Cover

  • Daily
    Customers who pay a daily premium will be covered for a period of 24 hours from the point of payment.
  • Monthly
    Customers who pay a Monthly premium will be covered for a period of 30 days from the point of payment. Subscription will be deducted on the 1st of each Month.
  • Annually
    Customers who pay a Yearly premium will be covered for a period of 365 days from the point of payment. Subscription will be deducted on the 1st of each Year.


  • Dialing *3355 is Free
  • SMS to 3355 will be charged Rs 2.45 (with Tax) per SMS (Mobile originate).
  • The Premium collected for each respective policy is inclusive of all applicable taxes

Submit a Claim


In case of a claim the documents indicated below need to be presented to CEYLINCO LIFE directly by the customer. On receipt of all the required documents, Ceylinco Life shall process the payment of the respective legal claim subject to the policy terms and conditions

A Brief Description of the Process



Death claims and Accidental Death Claims

1. The completed Claimants Statement
2. Certificate of Death
3. If death due to an accident

  • Coroner’s Inquest/ Magistrate Inquiry Report
  • Post mortem report
  • Police report
4. Certificate of Birth of life assured and claimant
5. Photocopies of National identity card of life assured and claimant certified by the Grama Niladhari
6. Any other documents that may be called for in the course of claim evaluation

Total and Permanent Disability claims

1. The completed Claimants Statement
2. Medical Certificate completed by a Specialist
3. Diagnosis Card / Relevant Medical Reports
4. Police Report
5. Any other documents that may be called for in the course of claim evaluation


The Insurance Cover shall include Death, Accidental Death and Total and Permanent Disability due to Accident, which are payable subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions mentioned herein. The laws of Sri Lanka govern this policy.

Death 75,000.00 150,000.00
Accidental Death 150,000.00 300,000.00
Total and Permanent Disability due to Accident 150,000.00 300,000.00
Available Premium payment options LKR (Inclusive of Taxes)LKR (Inclusive of Taxes)
Daily Premium 1.50 3.00
Monthly Premium 45.00 90.00
Annual Premium 540.00 1080.00

1.1 The Cover is available only to ETISALAT subscribers.

1.2 The Cover that a person is entitled to subscribe to, shall be limited to one SIM card only and the Cover shall be issued in respect of National Identity Card (NIC) Number.

1.3 The Policy shall cover only the life of the subscriber (Life Assured) and family members of the subscriber are not covered.

1.4 The subscriber can increase his/her Cover at subsequent stage. However, clause 1.6 is applicable for the increased sum assured.

1.5 The minimum age to be eligible for the Insurance Cover is eighteen years (18) of age and the cover terminates when the Subscriber reaches sixty (60) years of age.

1.6 A waiting period of 2 months from the commencement of cover will be applicable for claims made on natural deaths; however the claim will be considered for death due to accidents and permanent disabilities from the date of subscription.

1.7 If non-payment of subscription exceeds 30 days from the due date or connection is inactive for the same duration the policy will automatically lapse and the subscriber has to re-register for the policy. If the subscriber settles all outstanding dues on or before the 30th day from the due date, re-registration to the service will not be required; however claims will only be entertained during the grace period of 1 week from the due date.

1.8 In the event of Death of Life Assured, the Claimant should intimate and submit the Claim Documents within six (6) months of the occurrence of the death.

1.9 In case of a claim, the documents indicated in Annexure 1 need to be presented to Ceylinco Life (the Company). On receipt of all required documents, Ceylinco Life shall process the claim.

1.10 It is always advised, subscriber to nominate a beneficiary to receive policy benefits in the event of death. Beneficiary’s NIC number is required for this purpose. If there is no such nomination, at the time of death of the subscriber, the death benefit will be payable to the spouse if married, and to the parents/surviving parent if unmarried. Subscriber can change the beneficiary at subsequent stage, and the beneficiary registered last is entitled to the death claims.

1.11 If the death of the Life Assured should occur as a result of engaging in or participating in any way or any manner in any war or war-like operation (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, insurrection, any terrorist activity, civil commotion, military or usurped power, riot, mutiny, invasion, act of foreign enemies or any act against any lawfully constituted authority, the Company shall not be liable to make any payment whatsoever under the Policy. Whenever the Company disclaims liability under this clause, the burden of proving that the death complained of was not occasioned or did not result from any of the causes referred to above, shall be on the person claiming any benefit under the Policy.

1.12 If the Life Assured should die by his own hand (ie. suicide) while of sound or unsound mind within one (1) year from the last registration of the cover, the Company shall not be liable to make any payment whatsoever under the Policy.

1.13 Where the death of the Life Assured is sought to be established on the basis of a presumption generated in circumstances where he had not been heard of for a period of one year by those who would have naturally heard of him if he had been alive, no money shall become due under the Policy until the effluxion of a period of 7 years computed from the time when the Life Assured had ceased to be heard of and this fact notified to the Company.

1.14 No benefit shall be payable under this Policy when, on the basis of medical evidence available, it is established that the death of the Life Assured was directly or indirectly due to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or infection by any Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

1.15 This Policy will not acquire a Surrender Value.

1.16 There will be no maturity benefit under this Policy.


In the event of death due to accident, Accidental Death Benefit indicated above will be paid under the policy subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions mentioned in sections 01 and 04.


Bodily injury resulting directly, solely and independently of any or all other causes, from an accident caused by outward, violent and visible means which, solely, directly and independently of all other causes, results in the death of the Life Assured within ninety (90) days of its occurrence, will be treated by the Company as an Accidental Death.


A sum equal to the Total and Permanent Disability benefit due to accident, indicated above will be granted if the life assured becomes totally and permanently disabled, as defined below, and subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions mentioned in sections 01, 3.2 and 04.


Total and Permanent Disability due to accident is disability resulting from an accident caused by outward, violent and visible means. Total and Permanent Disability is such that there is neither at the time the disability commences nor at any time thereafter, any work, occupation, trade, business, vocation or profession that the Life Assured can ever be capable of doing or following to earn or obtain any wages, compensation or profit provided, however, that such disability must continue for not less than six (06) months in duration.

The occurrence of any of the following too shall be considered as “Total and Permanent Disability”.

a) Irreversible loss of all vision in both eyes or
b) Loss or loss of use of two limbs at or above the wrist or ankle or
c) Loss or loss of use of one limb at or above the wrist or ankle together with irreversible loss of vision in one eye.


a) Accidental injuries, independent of all other causes and arising within ninety (90) days of the happening of such event will only be considered.
b) Immediately after the happening of the disability, full particulars thereof must be given in writing to the Head Office of the Company, together with the address and the present place of residence of the Life Assured.
c) Within ninety (90) days of the happening of the disability, the Assured must furnish to the Head Office of the Company free of expenses to the Company proof of the Total & Permanent Disability of the Life Assured.
d) Further, any medical examiner nominated by the Company shall be permitted to examine the Life Assured if required to verify the state of the disability as defined herein of the Life Assured before a claim for Disability is accepted at the cost of life Assured. Company Chief Medical Officer’s decision is conclusive and final in this regard.
e) On acceptance of liability the Cover will cease.


The Company shall not make any payment in respect of the following.

a) Intentional self-injury, suicide, attempted suicide, insanity, immorality, participating in any criminal act, or whilst the Life Assured is under the influence of any intoxicating liquor, drug or narcotic.
b) Life Assured is engaged in aviation or aeronautics in any capacity other than that of a fare-paying, part paying or non-paying passenger in any aircraft which is authorized by the relevant regulations to carry such passengers and fly between established aerodromes.
c) Life Assured being engaged in active Military, Naval, Air Force, Police or similar regimental force or organization.
d) Any war or war like operation (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, insurrection, any terrorist activities, civil commotion, military or usurped power, riot, mutiny, invasion, act of foreign enemies or any act against any lawfully constituted authority, strikes or locked out workers’ acts.
e) Hunting, mountaineering or racing of any kind other than on foot and whilst practicing thereof, diving in any form, or engaging in any underwater or in any subterranean operation
f) Breach of law, attempted performance of criminal act, or resisting arrest.
g) Nuclear reaction, radiation or nuclear or chemical contamination
h) Existing disability on the date of issue of the policy.
i) Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome (AIDS) or infections by any Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or similar or related conditions or syndrome.
j) Failure to seek or follow medical advice.

Source: Etisalat.lk

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